Reclaimed Water History


To All TVCA Members

Message from Pinellas County

A few quick updates:

  • We are now continuously monitoring the SPB and Madonna Ave booster station to make sure all pumps are coming on during peak demands.
  • We have expanded our system inspection north through South Pasadena to make sure there are no valving issues on the mainland.
  • I’ve also spoken with Shawn Shimko (South Pasadena PW Director) and they are going through their system as well.
  • Due to the volume of calls regarding this issue, we have added a front-end message to our call center to confirm our awareness of the intermittent service disruptions.

I will provide more information and status report tomorrow once the additional measures and review are complete. We appreciate the community’s patience as we attempt to address the limited service.

Very respectfully,

Joel Brown
Interagency Water Manager
Pinellas County Utilities