New Website and Software 2025
The TVCA will be moving to new software at the beginning of 2025. A notice will be sent out to members when the new site goes live. New features include online Bill Pay, Online Architectural Requests, Amenity Reservations and much more!
To see how to register for Enumerate Engage access, please copy and paste the following link in your browser.
Get the New App! On your phone text engage to 59248 and receive a text back with an app download link.
Or search for Enumerate Engage in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
New Reclaimed Watering Schedule
The TVCA is continuing to work with Pinellas County to find a solution to the reclaimed water pressure problem.
In response they have adjusted the TVCA hours to times when there should be no one else watering up line.
We will continue to work to find a more permanent solution.
Addresses ending in even number water on Wednesdays.
Addresses ending in odd numbers water on Fridays
Watering is allowed before 8:00am or after 4:00pm.
Entrada and Monte Cristo Median Maintenance
The medians in Entrada and Monte Cristo were discussed with the county as the TVCA Maintenance Committee has been working on a plan to beautify those
Ms. Levi stated that the county would be maintaining those medians starting in June 2024, as well as, a right of way near the canal that a
homeowner refuses to maintain. Mr. Frulio suggested East & West Shore should be included in their schedule also. Ms. Levi noted such.
It has since been determined that there is not an agreement between the TVCA and county regarding maintenance of these medians which are
county property.
Mr. Burton said the TVCA would need a permit from the county to make changes to those medians.
In a follow-up email from Ron Schalter to Ms. Levi on May 20 th , Ms. Levi said the county would only be maintaining the right of way and not the
medians in Entrada or Monte Cristo.
Following the considerable hurricane related damage to the park, the TVCA requested the county file a claim with FEMA. The county owns the park and they are the only party allowed to file a FEMA claim on the extensive park hurricane damage. The TVCA could not do so as it does not own the park. The request to file a FEMA claim was denied by Paul Cozzie, Pinellas County Parks & Conservation Resources Director. In light of this denial, the TVCA Board decided it could no longer put it’s membership at unlimited financial risk regarding the park. A vote to terminate the maintenance agreement was part of the Nov.21st, 2024 TVCA members meeting. Following repeated unsuccessful attempts to get the county to reconsider it’s position, the TVCA sent Pinellas County a 30 day notice letter dated Dec. 23, 2024, notifying the county of it’s intent to terminate the TVCA agreement with Pinellas County to maintain the park.
The park will thus be maintained by the county as it is a county owned park. All complaints about the physical status of equipment, buildings, improper use of the grounds, and maintenance of the park should be directed to Pinellas County.
It has been determined that the county is intermittently shutting off reclaimed water to the park. A meeting is scheduled with the deputy utilities director for Pinellas County to address the issue and low water pressure in Sands Point.
- Landscaping – Crew of 4 went and cut, edged, and sprayed on Thursday afternoon.
- Irrigation – We have issues with irrigation still at the ball field. The ball field is still a problem but we did confirm that the heads are popping up when the system is turned on manually. Possible electrical problem being diagnosed.
- Fence/Gates – West Coast Fence came out and they are compiling a quote to repair hinges.
- Bathrooms – Now in better condition after our meeting last week with maintenance person.
- Sign – Sign is currently on to allow, the sign connection to the software, to be fixed by next week so we can post the meeting announcement in time for the Board meeting on the 10th.
- Resurfacing Courts: Estimates have been requested regarding resurfacing the courts from multiple vendors.
Today, three TVCA Board Members (Larry McKinnon, Jerry Fruglio, Ron Schalter), and our new LCAM, Justin Hesenius, met at the park in response to information the TVCA received about the Pinellas County Park’s conditions.
A plan has been put in motion to get the plumbing fixed in the Men’s Restroom. A local volunteer has agreed to take care of the problem after unsuccessful attempts to get a plumber to do it.- Thank you Joe Cruz for stepping up!
Pictures were taken of the field conditions and the landscaper was contacted today to set a meeting so they can address the issues.
The current care the fields have received under contract, from the TVCA landscaper, is unacceptable and will be dealt with.
The field condition problem has been complicated by an electrical/ irrigation problem that hasn’t been solved by the current landscaper.
Two other landscape/irrigation companies are being consulted to help remedy the situation.
There were also, previously unidentified problems that were found during the 2.5 hour field inspection, that will be addressed.
Finally, the ball field is posted regarding dogs at each dugout and the centerfield fence. Dogs are prohibited to protect the children that play on the field.
The TVCA Board asks all to be good neighbors and abide by this rule so our children can play without fear of becoming sick or injured by coming in contact with any dog’s bodily fluids, excrements, or potential diseases being carried by the animals.
Canal Dredging Notice
Click here to download Notice to Boaters.
Bayway Median Maintenance
TVCA Bayway Median Maintenance Agreement Update
Ron, Jerry, Sharon attended a meeting on May 17th with Pinellas County that
included Commissioner Kathleen Peters, County Administrator Barry Burton
and Public Works Director Kelli Levy. Gina Harvey, who we were negotiating
with last year and works for Levy, was not in attendance.
• We asked why the FE Memorandum of Agreement with FDOT was
not being adhered to. We were informed Pinellas County and FDOT have
agreed to share the Bayway S maintenance responsibilities – though their
2017 contract has not yet been amended. FDOT will mow, edge and
repair ruts due to vehicles parking on the median and Pinellas County will
weed and remove dead vegetation in the shelled area but not replace any
vegetation or shell.
• We again raised TVCA’s liability issue. Burton and Levy were in
disagreement it was an issue. Levy stated there had been no change from
what was in our previous contract. We showed them both contracts that
reflected the changes. Burton and Levy appeared unaware of the
conversations last year between the County Attorney and TVCA attorney
on the issue and that we were consistently told changing the liability was
• We again raised the escalating cost to maintain. We were told TVCA could
have reduced our maintenance obligations even though the only
maintenance obligation reduction the County agreed to last year was to
cap the irrigation.
• We requested the entire Bayway be maintained how the round about and
first island are currently being maintained.
• Commissioner Peters recommended since the Bayway is a State road we
pursue our request with our state legislators, Rep Linda Chaney and
Senator Nick DiCeglie. DiCeglie who have leverage over FDOT
appropriations. Peters aide directed us to Chaney and DiCeglie’s aides.
Grand Canal
Dredging completed 6/27/2024
Dredging has started – depending on weather the dredge should be completed in
60-90 days
Rob Burns, Pinellas County Public Works, provided a GC presentation (Link) at the
February GAC committee meeting, that presentation has been uploaded to the
TVCA website.
Pinellas County will host a Community Meeting, looking at the week off 2/26, to
present, provide a project timeline, and provide an opportunity for members to
ask questions regarding the canal dredging project
All the GC sand will go to Pass-a-Grille
Permit issued is good for 10 years
Interval and funding for future dredging post-construction has not been projected
Rec Center
Board held an Executive Session with TVCA Attorney to discuss proposed
Agreement from Pinellas County requiring TVCA to operate the Center
There are legal and financial issues impacting TVCA with the County’s proposal.
Decision was made requesting TVCA Attorney to prepare a response to Pinellas
County with a counter proposal for TVCA to lease approximately 1100 square
feet of office space.
- Continuing negotiations with Pinellas County who would like TVCA to operate the Center, no other HOA in Pinellas operates a County Recreation/Community Center
- Reviewed our estimate of potential TVCA expenses with Nancy McKibbin and Tom Alamonte from Pinellas County
- Raised concerns about the potential cost, responsibilities and obligations to TVCA to operate the County facility
- Discussed usage of the Recreation Center
- Raised option for TVCA to lease space for our office
- Pinellas County subsequently sent us their cost estimate so we may compare them with our estimates and our existing expenses to lease our current space
- Proposed agreement from the County for TVCA to operate the facility appears to place TVCA at potential risk for unknown liability and financial obligations
- Outstanding: Schedule an executive session with TVCA lawyer
County Rec Center Presentation
Pinellas County Rec Center Update Website
Project Manager for the project provided a walk thru of the Rec Center
Catering/Warming Kitchen
Crushed shell on the bottom
Capacity of 160
Lights under the building
Dry pond for water retention
Drought resistant landscaping
Final design – Mid to late March
Asked County to confirm there will be a security system
Asked County what they will be providing on ground floor
Phase 2 for 3 new pickleball courts are not funded yet
A next step is to schedule meeting with a contact at Palm Harbor for due
diligence on how they handle their daily operations and logistics for their
Community Center lease with the County
County provided the proposed “Lease & Operating Agreement” to TVCA
• Proposed Agreement has been sent to the Board members and the TVCA
attorney for review
• Provided a contact at Palm Harbor to meet with to discuss daily operations
and logistics of their Community Center lease with the County
• At next GAC meeting, we will have a walk-thru of the design with the project
County to provide the proposed “Lease & Operating Agreement” to TVCA before year end to review. 3rd request.
County to provide the proposed “Lease & Operating Agreement” to TVCA
before year end to review
• County provided some more sample language but no proposed contract
• County to provide the proposed Agreement before year end
• County expects response from TVCA prior to bid out for construction in late spring
County provided a sample lease agreement and will provide a sample license
agreement for review
• County to provide the draft Agreement this year
• County expects for Agreement to be completed prior to bid – late spring or early
summer 2024
County will host another public meeting, most probably by Zoom, in July
Community Center History
Sports Complex Maintenance Agreement
Expires March 2024, requested County provide TVCA copy of new Agreement asap for our review.
Old pickleball nets were donated to the Special Olympics.
Bike/Cycle Track
• Received updated design from FDOT to add back some parking on the west
side of the Bayway
• Design has already been vetted by Forward Pinellas MPO and Pinellas
• Government Affairs committee reviewed the design, agreed it represented
what we previously discussed with FDOT
• If there is agreement, TVCA will send written approval of the design to FDOT
Board held an Executive Session with TVCA Attorney to discuss proposed
Agreement from Pinellas County requiring TVCA to operate the Center
There are legal and financial issues impacting TVCA with the County’s proposal.
Decision was made requesting TVCA Attorney to prepare a response to Pinellas
County with a counter proposal for TVCA to lease approximately 1100 square
feet of office space.
- Still awaiting FDOT to provide an updated design to review that will add back some parking back on the west side of the Bayway S
• Met with FDOT to review a proposal for adding back parking on the west side
of the Bayway S
• Parking will be added back by removing some but not all of the concrete
• Based on our review of FDOT’s initial proposal, we requested changes be
made to add more parking than initially proposed for each condo to have a
parking area in front
• FDOT to review our changes, respond back and provide a cost estimate
• FDOT Projects under 500K can go thru their Fast Response process
Crosswalk Reinstall South of Round About
Received final design from FDOT that does not eliminate the U-turn capability at
Yacht Club Lane
TVCA will send letter approving the design to FDOT
Proposed Crosswalk
- FDOT to request this project be included in the Forward Pinellas MPO’s Transportation Improvement Program
Requested County’s support in working with FDOT to replace some parking on the Bayway S that was removed with the Cycle Track project.
County has been informed that FDOT is working with Duke Energy for where Duke’s trucks will park when work begins in TV on the underground utilities.
Requested County’s support in working with FDOT to replace the crosswalk (yellow flashing beacon) where it previously was located after the roundabout.
Received notification from FDOT they will replace the crosswalk (yellow flashing
beacon) where it previously was located during the Roundabout construction. There
will be no elimination of the U-turn/Left turn at Yacht Club lane as FDOT previously
Crosswalk Reinstall South of Round About
FDOT provided proposal that would remove the left turn out of Yacht Club Lane and
eliminating the ability for a U-turn where the Bayway lanes merge before the round about
negatively impacting TV residents by forcing that traffic to go thru the round about to
head south on the Bayway
Requested FDOT provide other options to consider
Crosswalk Reinstalled South of Round About
TVCA previously told FDOT would be reinstalling the Crosswalk south of the round
about after the Cycle Track and landscaping was completed
Recently notified by FDOT that installation will not occur with the Cycle Track
Crosswalk must be a new FDOT project and go thru the MPO to receive funding
Time to reinstall the crosswalk is unknown
Bike path Project Updates-History
Other planned major county projects in TV:
Bridge Replacement-
- Design expected to be completed this month (May 2024)
- Construction expected from Spring 2025 – Summer 2027
Sands Point Bridge Madonna Bridge
- Sandspoint Dr. Bridge Replacement -2023-2025 – $7.35M Madonna Blvd Bridge – 2024-2027
- Pinellas County Youtube Presentation
- Sands Point Plans
- Sands Point Bridge Meeting Download.
Past Projects
Streetlight Project History
Reclaimed Water History