Bidirectional Bike Path History

Bidirectional Bike Path Construction on Tierra Verde

Letter to Governor DeSantis

FDOT Reply to Governor DeSantis Letter

Project Updates


TVCA sent a letter dated June 1, 2023 to Gov DeSantis and copied our
State Senator Nick DiCeglie, State Rep Linda Chaney, FDOT Secretary
Jared Perdue, FDOT District 7 Secretary David Gwynn, Justin Hall FDOT,
all the Pinellas County commissioners, Forward Pinellas MPO Director
Whit Blanton, and our County liaison Brian Lowack, escalating our
concerns about FDOT’s “Cycle Track” design implemented on the Bayway
and requesting the Governors help in addressing those concerns and we
are awaiting a response
This issue will be before the Forward Pinellas MPO Board at their July 12,
2023 meeting when FDOT will be making a presentation to the MPO Board
about the current design. Citizens can provide public comment and TVCA
will send out information with the meeting details to our members.

05/10/2023 Update

Forward Pinellas Meeting Video


Recap of Public Meeting with FDOT on Bi-Directional Bike Lanes

To All TVCA Members

Below is the information that was sent to FDOT regarding the Public Meeting with FDOT on the Bi-Directional Bike Lanes.

Dear Mr. Justin Hall,

On behalf of the TVCA, I would like to thank you very much for coming out to TV to speak to our residents regarding the “Cycle Track” on the Bayway. We appreciate you, Kevin Lee and the other folks from FDOT taking the time to listen to our community’s concerns.

While numerous issues and concerns were raised at the meeting, the biggest issue remains the bi-directional bike lanes on the northbound side of the Bayway.

We understand FDOT was looking for community consensus on this issue at yesterday’s meeting. That was provided by the standing room only crowd who overwhelmingly raised their valid concerns and safety issues regarding the bi-directional bike lanes and their disapproval of them.

While there may not be a perfect solution, going back to a single bike lane on both sides of the Bayway may be the safer solution for all, especially with crosswalks at Sands Point, after the roundabout, at the roundabout and the ability to use the sidewalk under the bridge to cross the Bayway.

FDOT also recognized the bi-directional bike lanes now cause cyclists riding southbound on the northbound side to dangerously ride directly against traffic in the road over the bridge to Ft. De Soto.

We want the option for single bike lanes on both sides of the Bayway to remain on the table and to better understand what is needed to make such a change.

We want to continue working with FDOT, Forward Pinellas MPO, elected officials, Pinellas County, etc. regarding the bi-directional bike lane issue and the other concerns raised yesterday regarding the “Cycle Track”.

We do not want any serious accident to occur as a result of its current design.

We look forward to working with you and your staff on this and all future mutual projects on Tierra Verde.


Sharon Calvert
Chair, Government Affairs Committee
Tierra Verde Community Association


TVCA Opposes Bidirectional Bike Lanes

To All TVCA Members

  • We were forced to notify the TVCA Members that FDOT opened the bike lanes this afternoon.
  • The TVCA opposes the current design with the bidirectional bike lanes on the northbound side of the Pinellas Bayway.
  • We have been in constant communication advocating with FDOT for FDOT to modify the design for single direction bike lanes only on both sides of the Pinellas Bayway.
  • FDOT has now conveyed to the TVCA there are only two options ;

1.) Keep the current design as is, or 2.) Redesign for single directional bike lanes on both sides.

FDOT will be in Tierra Verde at the TVCA Office on Monday, May 8, 2023 from 4:30PM-6:00PM to speak about this issue and discuss the 2 options.

We hope you will attend this very important meeting!


FDOT Community Workshop May 8th 4:30-6pm @the TVCA office above the TD Bank.

The TVCA Board Continues to work with FDOT about safety issues related to the east side bike lanes.

The Board has spoken to FDOT about opening the new bike lanes in one direction only that flows with

vehicle traffic on both sides of the Bayway. Please attend this meeting to express your concerns directly to FDOT.


FDOT News on project available here.

TVCA Members view detailed project plans here.

Roundabout & 1st Meridian Landscape Plan Details Here.

Original Pinellas Trail Powerpoint Slides 04/24/2023



To All TVCA Members

Please contact FDOT, the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners, and State Representative Linda Chaney to voice your concerns regarding the Bidirectional Bike Path Construction on Tierra Verde.  The contact links are listed below:


Maddie Pfingsten –

[email protected]

Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners-Brian Scott

Representative Linda Chaney


To All TVCA Members

Earlier today we met with FDOT Officials to get the latest updates on the construction of the bicycle pathways being installed on both sides of the Pinellas Bayway.  FDOT plans on beginning the installation of the road marking and signage as early as this upcoming weekend (weather permitting).  I have attached a photo of a roadway that has similar marking as what will be installed on the Pinellas Bayway.

FDOT stated that in the northbound direction they will have a 3’- 9’ skip yellow running down the center with bicyclists and arrow symbols in each lane pointing the direction of travel. The green thermoplastic will be across each side street and driveway (northbound only) and the green will have white skips along the edge. The bollards will be in the center after each driveway and side street. Delineators and paint will mark the approach to each separator.

The southbound side will have a bicyclist and arrow symbol pointing the direction of travel (southbound only) with white 2’-4’ skips at the side streets and driveways from separator to separator (the width of the separator). Delineators and paint will mark the approach to each separator.

We also obtained additional information on several other Bayway projects.  That information will be released at the next TVCA Meeting at 6:00PM on Monday, April 10, 2023.

Larry McKinnon




  • We have had 2 face to face meetings with FDOT regarding our safety concerns with the bi-directional bike lanes in the road on the east side of the Bayway.
  • We established a communication protocol with specific people at FDOT and are continuing to voice our concerns about the project with them
  • FDOT’s District 7 Secretary came out to TV to see the lanes
  • At this time, FDOT plans to open the lanes but will review/monitor how things go
  • If FDOT determines there are issues, they will look to make changes at that time


The TVCA has worked closely with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and they have agreed to temporarily close the two way bike trail along the east side of Pinellas Bayway S until permanent pavement marking and signs are installed.

We want to thank FDOT officials for their continued support and commitment to the safety of our TVCA members, business partners and all visitors of our beautiful Tierra Verde Island.

We look forward to working together on this project and all other future projects of mutual concerns.

Larry McKinnon




To TVCA Members,

Earlier this morning we spoke to FDOT managers and they confirmed that the multi-use trail is NOT open for bicycle or pedestrian traffic and will be CLOSED until later this year.  We also spoke with Pinellas County Officials and requested public signage indicating the pathway is CLOSED.  That request is currently being worked on by government officials.

It was also confirmed again that there will be TWO vehicle traffic lanes in both southbound and northbound directions on the Pinellas Bayway.

As has been discussed at multiple past TVCA Members’ monthly meetings, this is not a TVCA project and we were not given an option by FDOT to approve or reject this project. We did have an option to provide input on the design on the project that helped protect the millions of dollars of landscaping and irrigation in front of many residential complexes along the east side of Pinellas Bayway.


The TVCA and community members spoke with FDOT on March 9, 2020, and again on June 11, 2020 when preliminary plans were presented during the planning/study phase and it was strongly opposed.

Widening the existing sidewalk to12ft to provide connectivity of the Pinellas Trail was strongly opposed by the TVCA due to extreme landscaping impacts. FDOT’s solution was to maintain the existing sidewalk for pedestrians and provide an on-street 11ft two-way separated bike lane on the east side of Pinellas Bayway.

This project will add a two-way bicycle lane (11 feet in width) separated from traffic along the east side of Pinellas Bayway from East Shore Boulevard to Yacht Club Lane.

As always, we strongly recommend that our TVCA Members attend our monthly meetings where you can get the latest information on this project and all other projects our Board Members are working on.  If you read social media post that concerns you regarding TVCA business, please contact the TVCA office so you can get accurate information, [email protected], 727.867.9362.

We will send out additional updates on this project as soon as more information becomes available.


Larry McKinnon