Bid package is out on the street.
10/10 – Initial qualifications due
11/2 – Pricing due
Purchasing reviews for recommendation to BOCC
January – Recommendation goes to BOCC for approval
Bid package going thru last county reviews and will be out on the street by the
end of September/beginning of October
Target for starting the dredge project is January/February
• Pinellas County will host another community meeting via Zoom when timeline is more
finalized after vendor procurement to provide project details before dredging begins
• Army Corp of Engineers held a Town Hall on the Pinellas County beach re-
nourishment issue on Friday, September 8th.
• Attended by county commissioners, city elected officials & State Rep Linda
• Stalemate on ACE requirements to have 100% easements on all property for
ACE to pay for re-nourishment, provide Emergency help from FEMA
• Conversations between ACE and Pinellas will continue
Funding Approved For Grand Canal Dredging Project
To All TVCA Members
The TVCA has been notified by Pinellas County that a FY23 Budget Amendment in the amount of $1.7M to fund the Grand Canal Dredging Project has been approved.
This is great news for Tierra Verde. We thank Pinellas County Staff and our County Commissioners for another major milestone crossed to keep this project moving forward.
TVCA Board of Directors
Pinellas County received the Army Corp of Engineers permit for the GC
dredging project.
Next steps are for the County to approve the funding this summer and
submit the bid for Procurement
It is anticipated the dredging will begin late Fall
Pinellas County will host another community meeting in TV to provide
project details and a timeline before dredging begins
05/08/2023 Update
Army Corp informed Pinellas County on 5/4 they plan to hand the County
the dredging permit for the Grand Canal week of 5/8.
APTIM completing the bid package
Procurement of vendor will proceed after permit received and bid package
County will host a community meeting in TV later this summer to provide
the project details, a timeline and the funding for the dredge
- Army Corp informed Pinellas County on 3/29 they will not be including the GC dredging with the catch basin as part of their the P-A-G beach re-nourishment project
- Pinellas County immediately began the process for a county managed dredge project
- Pinellas County has asked APTEM to provide a package finalizing the scope of the service for bid and construction documents for a county managed GC dredging project
- Pinellas County has requested the Army Corp to provide the dredging permit by no later than May 5th
- We are pursuing with the County that the county managed dredge project be a high priority to get done ASAP