Grand Canal

   Grand Canal Gulf of Mexico


Grand Canal Plans

05/08/2023 Update

Army Corp informed Pinellas County on 5/4 they plan to hand the County
the dredging permit for the Grand Canal week of 5/8.
APTIM completing the bid package
Procurement of vendor will proceed after permit received and bid package
County will host a community meeting in TV later this summer to provide
the project details, a timeline and the funding for the dredge


  • Army Corp informed Pinellas County on 3/29 they will not be including the GC dredging with the catch basin as part of their the P-A-G beach re-nourishment project
  • Pinellas County immediately began the process for a county managed dredge project
  • Pinellas County has asked APTEM to provide a package finalizing the scope of the service for bid and construction documents for a county managed GC dredging project
  • Pinellas County has requested the Army Corp to provide the dredging permit by no later than May 5th
  • We are pursuing with the County that the county managed dredge project be a high priority to get done ASAP

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